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Disadvantages of 3D printing support structure

2021-06-02 12:09:30

Although the support structure is an indispensable thing in 3D printing, we should try to avoid using more supports. What are the disadvantages of 3D printing support structures?

1. 3D printing support structure increases material cost (Additive Manufacturing China Factory)

The support structure requires additional materials, and they are removed and discarded after printing. The 3D printing support structure obviously increases the cost of the model.

2. The 3D printing support structure increases the printing duration

The 3D printing support structure also increases the printing duration because more things must be printed.

3. The 3D printing support structure adds post-processing work

The supporting structure adds post-processing work. The 3D printing support structure is not part of the model. They are used to support various parts of the model during printing. This means that once printing is over, the structure must be deleted before the model is ready. In a production environment, the added work means an increase in the cost of the model.

4. The risk of damage to the model of the 3D printing support structure (China 3D Printer Optical System Manufacturer)

The 3D printed support structure touches and often sticks to the wall of the model. This is the only way to provide support for overhangs and bridges. If you are not careful when removing the 3D printing support structure, they may leave blemishes on the surface of the model. In the worst case, part of the model may be interrupted with the 3D printing support structure.

All in all, the use of 3D printing support structures has drawbacks. Minimize the use of 3D printing support structures and add it when necessary.

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