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How to adjust laser beam path?

2021-04-15 19:07:25

Laser is the main character of the laser machine and we need to make sure the laser operate normally. If the laser went wrong, it will effect the quality of the product. How can we adjust the laser beam to make sure it will operate normally.

Si-Mo reflector

China Laser Si Reflective Mirror Manufacturer

First step, check the first reflector. Place a double side tape on the reflector and made the laser beaming on the first reflector. The beam will burn a hole on the tape, then see if the laser beam have beam on the tape correctly.

Second, check the second reflector. Beam the laser beam that near and far away from the first reflector, and we also need to tape the double side tape in order to make the laser beam overlap with the first one.  

Beam Expander

China Laser Beam Expander Lensand supplier

Third, adjust the screw if the beam path didn’t overlap. We will repeat the same step to the third reflector. If the beam didn’t overlap, we need to adjust the screw of the second reflector until the beam overlap.

Forth, check if the beam is vertical. Place a scotch tape and a 10mm acrylic under the laser head. Check the beam see if the laser is vertical. If not, we need to adjust the screw on the laser head till vertical.

We need to adjust or check the laser beam every time when we operate the machine. Otherwise, a bad laser path will effect the quality of the product. What’s more, it is dangerous to the staff.